Monty Hooke

Business Mentor, Investor, Speaker & High Performance Specialist

Leading Businesses Into The Emergent Future Of The Restored New Earth.

Life is not meant to be linear progression. You’ve been brainwashed into wanting steady growth so that you can live a life of comfort, consume a bunch of crap that you don’t need, and not disrupt the status quo. Don’t be afraid to pivot away from the norm.
– Monty Hooke

Escaping The Matrix

The Entrepreneurs Guide To Exponential Growth, Optimum Health And High Performance.
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Meet Monty

Welcome to my website. Thank you for being here!

Most people don’t know this, but I had my first business when I was only eight years old. So I’ve been doing business for thirty five years. Now, as a major shareholder in five companies that I’ve either founded or invested in (and I mentor to several more), with so many years experience in business, I am attuned to the patterns of what makes businesses work. I have a very unique ability to tune into CEO’s, entrepreneurs and even teams, to see where their business is asking to evolve it in order to be part of the medicine that heals the world. My mission is to create and expand businesses that activate this movement of conscious leadership, to move humanity forward into this emergent future of restoration. The restoration of nature. The restoration of ancient and timeless wisdom. And the restoration of an abundant and connected humanity.

Work With Monty

12x Boardroom Sessions
One On One Mentoring


We are driven by impact. Not just for the Monty Hooke group of companies to be successful and to make social contributions, but to create ripples amongst our teams, clients and the business community, working together to create waves of positive change.