About Monty


I am fortunate that I can see the unseen for entrepreneurs.

It’s not only connecting the dots from where they are now to their future vision. I can see the gifts and abilities in entrepreneurs that they often don’t see in themselves. This has created a unique superpower and position to activate potential, higher purpose and inspire a deeper connection to spirit in the entrepreneurs and people I work with.

I’ve been building businesses for as long as I can remember, it’s all I’ve ever known. A serial entrepreneur since the age of eight, coupled with a lifetime of building businesses, growing teams and developing strategies for business growth, I’ve developed a depth of vision and capacity to mentor other leaders that is more intuitive than learned.

To me, business is an energy field.

Our job as conscious leaders is to tune into where the business is asking us to evolve, to be part of the medicine that heals the world.

My mission is to expand businesses that activate this movement of conscious leadership, to move humanity forward into an emergent future of restoration. The restoration of nature. The restoration of ancient and timeless wisdom. And the restoration of an abundant and connected humanity.

In the restored new world, contribution and fulfilment are not a secondary side effect of building a financially successful business. In the restored new world, contribution and fulfilment is the currency of success, and financial abundance will be the side effect.

So what I ask of you now is;

Why are you doing what you do? And how can you awaken to the energy and tap into the lifeforce that your business calls forth to be part of the restoration?

Monty Hooke
Monty Hooke
Monty Hooke
Monty Hooke

My Philosophy

To tell you the truth, I live a very fulfilling life. I love business, I love entrepreneurship, and I’m very good at it! But more than anything, I love living a life on purpose, having great health, having an abundance of energy, and having the freedom to be where I want and to do what I want. It would take a while to share with you how I created that. But in essence, it’s the journey of health and spirituality that lead me to a path of high performance to have my greatest levels of business success.

What I have come to know is that this game of achieving “balance” is a never-ending pursuit. Balance is not the secret to a life fulfilled. A life fulfilled is the secret to balance. And the life fulfilled does not come from focusing only on those parts that need to be fixed or made better, it comes from nurturing your mind, body, spirit and your pursuits into a lifestyle and complete ecosystem of success.

As Changemakers and Entrepreneurs, when we can awaken to this, we realise that the exponential growth we seek comes from harmonising the systems in which we live. Our environment, our lifestyle, our habits, our focus, our food, our movement and our spiritual disciplines. Ultimately restoring ourselves back to being one with nature, bridging harmony between our mind, body, spirit and the vehicle in which we express our purpose – Entrepreneurship. I call this “Entrepreneur Harmonics”. This my friends is the key to unlock greater levels of business success.

Learn more in…

Entrepreneur Harmonics

How Founders And CEOs Create Real Freedom By Scaling Their Business, Getting Their Time Back And Removing Themselves From The Business

Montys Clients & Partner Businesses

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