Episode 13 – “Hustle Like A Monk” with guest David Hans-Barker
In this episode I speak to David Hans-Barker, an Entrepreneur & meditation expert. Some very profound wisdom from this conversation as David shared his story of having grown up in a poor, rough neighbourhood in London, to almost becoming a monk meditating 6-18 hours a day, to making millions as an entrepreneur, to now sharing his mission of educating the world on meditation.

We went deep down some Rabbit Holes on spirituality, discipline, hustle, making money and weaving spirituality with entrepreneurial success.

Friends. this episode was super fun. Do not miss out on this one.

November 25, 2020

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What you’ll learn in this episode:

[4:13] The Willingness To Be A Master
[9:44] The Great Awakening
[12:36] The Wound Is The Entrance For Spirit
[17:45] The Power In Stillness
[21:06] The Key To Happiness
[23:53] Everyone Is Spiritual
[29:03] Real Wealth
[38:50] Can meditation Make You Rich?
[46:50] Embracing The Mystical
[1:07:14] The Power Of Meditation

About David Hans Barker

David Hans Barker is the Founder of Istana Meditation Resort in Bali, Indonesia & online education platform Yogi Lab. A Successful Entrepreneur having made millions from identifying patterns in business markets, David accredits all of his success to meditation. David now uses his knowledge, experience and wisdom to drive his mission to see 80 million people to meditate at one time.

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