We had a very profound conversation about exponential growth, and how the very thing that helps you create your initial success, is the very thing that will stop you from doing more.
Some real gold nuggets on high performance , spirituality, surrender and self-love. Not what you might expect from a couple gym junkies. That’s why this one was super fun. So Stay tuned. Do not touch those buttons.
What you’ll learn in this episode:
[5:08] Smarter Way to Freedom
[10:25] Online Business in Bali?
[17:40] Unhealthy Belief Patterns
[20:07] The Non-Attachment
[25:45] Ladder of Success
[27:49] The Journey & The Destination
[29:25] A Life Worth Living
[34:43] Becoming Unassuming
[42:23] Walking Contradictions
[45:58] Healthy Way To Be Big
[58:53] My Goal Is To Have No Goals
[1:10:40] The Things We Can’t Control
About Chris Dufey
Chris Dufey is an entrepreneur, author, speaker, film maker, health nut and ice cream lover.
Currently living between Bali, Australia and LA with his daughters and wife, he is the Founder and CEO of Coaches Cartel and is obsessed with helping coaches grow their dream businesses and lives.
Recently recognised as a ’Top Young Entrepreneur In Dubai” and published in online and print publications, and showcased in multiple top podcasts. Chris is the creator of The Chris Dufey Show (duh), has authored ‘Your First 100 Clients’ and ‘Craving The Truth’ and the upcoming film ‘A Life Worth Living’.
Chris is known to be a world class strategist and business coach that has a knack for helping his clients earn more money, impact more people and live with freedom whilst doing the work they love.
Find Chris Dufey:

Consulting & Advisory
Impact Consulting
The Exponential
About Monty