We went deep down some rabbit holes on Tantra, and practices that can deepen the relationships within ourselves. We discussed how to change the world, we first need to awaken this deep love within ourselves, and Chantelle gives us the answers on exactly how to go about that.
Guys, self-healing is hands down the most powerful tool we can have in this lifetime, I speak this from experience. We get so distracted by learning tools of what we think will create financial success, but more often than not, what is blocking us from that is that success is the internal healing we need to do. Thats why this, was a very important and powerful conversation. Tune in for this one.
What you’ll learn in this episode:
[07:33] Subtle Supression
[13:48] “The Law of Attraction”
[16:46] Meditation as ‘A First Base’
[19:09] Unhealthy Lust
[21:24] Be Present With Pleasure And Pain
[24:45] Take Out Your Agenda
[27:17] Knots That Hold Believes
[31:28] Kundalini Awakening
[36:47] Spiritual and Mainstream Worlds
[42:11] The Reflective Universe
[47:13] Be Your Own Partnership
[49:39] Strong Center to Feel Secure
[53:15] Healthy Boundaries
About Chantelle Raven
CHANTELLE RAVEN – has been facilitating workshops and retreats in the field of spirituality and Tantra for almost 20 years. A former teacher of personal development in the new age tradition, she has spent these last 2 decades delving deeply into meditation, self-inquiry, EFT (emotional freedom technique), somatic therapy, shamanism, psychology, philosophy and all things Tantra.
Raven is an accomplished Teacher and Practitioner whose teaching style is pragmatic, comprehensive and enlivening, yet down-to-earth. She is widely respected for her capacity to bring people into their bodies and to help students work with their direct human-experience as a framework for practical life-change.
The creator of Embodied Awakened Academy, Raven synthesises her wealth of knowledge and experience into books, blogs, podcasts, YouTube videos, online courses and retreats. The faculty of the Embodied Awakening Academy is made up of skilled professionals who are dedicated to love and service.
Raven’s energy, knowledge and passion will inspire you to change the way you look at life, love, sex, spirituality and the emotional body in ways that will remind you who you really are.
Find Chantelle Raven:

Consulting & Advisory
Impact Consulting
The Exponential
About Monty