Krystal shared her story about overcoming domestic abuse in a relationship, which lead her on a very profound healing journey to becoming a very passionate stand for humanity.
We went deep down the rabbit hole on self-love, purpose, living a life of meaning, and how every one of us can find real fulfillment and happiness. Do not miss this one.
What you’ll learn in this episode:
[02:10] Rise From Abusive Relationship
[06:41] Overcoming Shame and Guilt
[09:55] The Journey To Discovering Divinity
[11:21] Humanities Wakeup
[15:24] In Harmony With Nature
[19:55] A Translation Of Tantra
[22:11] The Power of Silence
[29:10] Balance in Feminine and Masculine Energy
[33:34] Ritual of Gratitude
[43:02] Embodying The Goddess
[46:36] Spiritual and Wealthy?
About Krystal Aranyani
When Krystal was 19 her life was mapped out for her; she was engaged to be married, trying to have a child, had the beautiful home, the sports car and all the things she was told she was supposed to want. She worked as a model which came with many internal struggles. Deep inside she never felt this path was meant for her but she didn’t know anything else. She was doing exactly what the media and society told her would bring happiness, but she was the most unhappy she’d ever been. When her relationship became physically abusive, sending her on frequent visits to hospitals and women’s shelters, she knew she had to change her life.
Krystal had always been interested in spirituality from a young age. To escape her life in small town Canada she took a leap; a one way ticket to China with no money and no idea what would be waiting for her. This decision led her to open Warrior Lotus Yoga, a program for survivors of domestic abuse, or as she prefers warriors. She taught yoga and shared her story to women around the world while seeking the answers to all of her big questions: Why am I here? What’s the meaning of true happiness?
Krystal is the founder of The Goddess App, a women’s lifestyle and spirituality app, The Goddess Foundation, an NGO offering scholarships to young women around the world, and Awakening Retreats, her company she hosts and organizes wellness retreats through. She has written four books including the best seller Awakening the Goddess and is releasing a memoir in 2021. She continues to travel the world, stating that her mission in this existence is “to remind others of their power and Divinity within, spreading the biggest wave of love possible.”
Find Krystal Aranyani:

Consulting & Advisory
Impact Consulting
The Exponential
About Monty