Episode 46 – “Humanities Move To An Ancient Future” with Luke Kohen
Today, in the studio in Bali, I sit with Speaker, Storyteller, Poet and Entrepreneur, Mr. Luke Kohen. Wow we went deep on this one.

Humanity is at a very critical juncture, a moment in time where each of us needs to decide what kind of world we live in, and we have to make a stand for what we believe in.

In this conversation we unpack some of the solutions on how we individually, and collectively can make a real difference.

This was a good one friends, very powerful, very important, definitely stay tuned to the whole conversation.

August 17, 2021

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What you’ll learn in this episode:

[02:58] The Ancient Future
[09:14] The Bridge Between Right and Wrong
[10:07] Is History Repeating Itself?
[12:47] Unconscious Behaviour Patterns
[15:46] The Intersection Of Truth
[19.00] Conditions For Breakthrough
[27:16] The Invitation Of Life
[31:04] Combination of Light and Shadow Work
[33:33] Life Is A Ceremony
[39:51] The Expression of Art through NFT
[41:26] Time is Art
[49:07] The Culture of Cryptocurrency
[57:55] The Magic of Peace

About Luke Kohen

Luke Kohen is quickly rising voice of sincerity and leadership on our planet as a speaker, artist, poet, & ecopreneur. Luke carries a unique multi-disciplinary wisdom in service to an emerging culture on the planet; which informs all the content he creates.

With over a decade of experience empowering individuals and groups, he also serves as a mentor for emerging leaders, founders & change agents. Deeply Passionate about bridging the gap between social entrepreneurship & environmental activism, he has been a strategist for forging new models of collaboration and innovation where the meeting of universal spirituality, holistic business, whole systems change and community building all converge.

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